600 Essential English Words 21

Unit 21: Word List

401. appear / əˈpɪr / v. (tampak, kelihatan, muncul)
To appear is to seem. 
e.g. She appeared to be sad. She was crying. 
    (Dia tampak sedih. Dia menangis.)

402. base / beɪs / n. (dasar, landasan)
The base is the bottom of something. 
e.g. The base of the table has three legs. 
    (Landasa meja itu memiliki tiga kaki.) 

403. brain / breɪn / n. (otak)
The brain is the organ in your head that lets you think. 
 e.g. You must use your brain to solve the problem. 
    (Anda harus menggunakan otak Anda untuk memecahkan masalah tersebut.)

404. career / kəˈrɪr / n. (karir)
A career is a job that you do for a large part of your life. 
e.g. He was in the hospitality business for most of his career. 
    (Dia berkecimpung dalam bisnis perhotelan untuk sebagian besar karirnya.)

405. clerk / klɝːk / n. (pelayan toko, petugas)    
A clerk is a type of worker. Clerks in a store help customers. 
e.g. The clerk added up her bill for the groceries. 
    (Pelayan toko itu menjumlahkan tagihan belanjaannya.)

406. effort / ˈef.ɚt / n. (usaha, upaya) 
Effort is hard work or an attempt to do something. 
e.g. He always puts a lot of effort into his studies. 
    (Dia selalu berusaha keras dalam studinya.)

407. enter / ˈen.t̬ɚ / v. (masuk)   
To enter a place is to go into it. 
e.g. Two guards greeted me as I entered the front door. 
    (Dua penjaga menyambut saya saat saya memasuki pintu depan.)

408. excellent / ˈek.səl.ənt / adj. (baik sekali)
When something is excellent, it is very good.
e.g. I got an excellent score on my school test. 
    (Saya mendapat nilai yang sangat baik pada ujian sekolah saya.)

409. hero / ˈhɪr.oʊ / n. (pahlawan)
A hero is a brave person who does things to help others. 
e.g. To children, the man in the blue and red costume was a real hero. 
    (Bagi anak-anak, pria dengan kostum biru dan merah adalah pahlawan sejati.)

410. hurry / ˈhʌr.i / v. (buru-buru, tergesa-gesa)
To hurry is to do something quickly.. 
e.g. I hurried home on my bike. 
    (Saya buru-buru pulang dengan sepedaku.)

411. inform / ɪnˈfɔːrm / v. (menginformasikan, memberi tahu)
To inform someone is to tell them about something. 
e.g. I called and informed her about my idea. 
    (Saya menelepon dan memberi tahu dia tentang ide saya.)

412. later / ˈleɪ.t̬ɚ / adj. (lebih lambat)  adv. (nanti, kemudian)
Later means after the present, expected, or usual time. 
e.g. She missed the train, so she’ll arrive a little later than expected. 
    (Dia ketinggalan kereta, jadi dia akan tiba lebih lambat dari yang diharapkan.)

413. leave / liːv / v. (berangkat, meninggalkan)
To leave means to go away from someone or something. 
e.g. He packed his bag and was ready to leave for home. 
    (Dia mengemasi tasnya dan siap pulang.)

414. locate / loʊˈkeɪt / v. (menemukan)
To locate something is to find it. 
e.g. I could not locate my keys in the house.
    (Saya tidak dapat menemukan kunci saya di dalam rumah.)

415. nurse / nɝːs / n. (perawat)
A nurse is a person who helps sick people in the hospital.
e.g. A nurse helped me get better. 
    (Seorang perawat membantu saya menjadi lebih baik.)
416. operation / ˌɑː.pəˈreɪ.ʃən / n. (operasi)
An operation is when a doctor replaces or removes something in the body. 
e.g. The operation on my arm was a success. 
    (Operasi di lenganku sukses.)

417. pain / peɪn / n. (rasa sakit)
Pain is the feeling that you have when you are hurt.
e.g. His head was full of pain. 
    (Kepalanya terasa sakit.)

418. refuse / rɪˈfjuːz / v. (menolak)
To refuse something is to say “ no” to it. 
e.g. The dog refused to play with the cat. 
    (Anjing itu menolak bermain dengan kucing itu.)

419. though / ðoʊ / conj. (meskipun)
Though is used when the second idea makes the first seem surprising. 
e.g. Though he was overweight, he liked to be active. 
    (Meskipun dia kelebihan berat badan, dia suka aktif.)

420. various / ˈver.i.əs / adj. (berbagai)
If something is various, there are many types of it.. 
e.g. She owned shoes of various styles. 
    (Dia memiliki sepatu dengan berbagai gaya.)

credit: Paul Nation