Unit 22: Word List
421. actual / ˈæk.tʃu.əl / adj. (sebenarnya)
Actual means that something is real or true.
e.g. This is the actual sword that the King owned, not a fake one.
(Ini adalah pedang yang sebenarnya yang dimiliki Raja, bukan yang palsu.)
422. amaze / əˈmeɪz / v. (menakjubkan, mengagumkan)
To amaze someone is to surprise them very much.
e.g. The news in the paper amazed Jack.
(Berita di koran membuat Jack kagum.)
423. charge / tʃɑːrdʒ / n. (biaya, tarif, ongkos)
A charge is the price to pay for something.
e.g. The charge for the shirts was $15.00..
(Biaya untuk kemeja tersebut adalah $ 15.00.)
424. comfort / ˈkʌm.fɚt / v. (menghibur, menawarkan hati)
To comfort someone means to make them feel better.
e.g. I wanted to comfort my friend after I heard the bad news.
(Saya ingin menghibur teman saya setelah saya mendengar kabar buruk.)
425. contact / ˈkɑːn.tækt / v. (menghubungi)
To contact someone is to speak or write to them.
e.g. I contacted Sue about my party.
(Saya menghubungi Sue tentang pesta saya.)
426. customer / ˈkʌs.tə.mɚ / n. (pelanggan)
A customer is a person who buys something at a store.
e.g. The customer put a few items in a bag.
(Pelanggan memasukkan beberapa barang ke dalam tas.)
427. deliver / dɪˈlɪv.ɚ / v. (mengantarkan, mengirim)
To deliver something is to take it from one place to another.
e.g. The man delivered Chinese food to my house.
(Pria itu mengantarkan makanan Oriental ke rumah saya.)
428. earn / ɝːn / v. (mencari nafkah, mendapat gaji/imbalan)
To earn means to get money for the work you do.
e.g. He earns his living as a chef in a great restaurant.
(Dia mencari nafkah sebagai koki di restoran besar.)
429. gate / ɡeɪt / n. (gerbang, pintu)
A gate is a type of door. Gates are usually made of metal or wood.
e.g. We want to put up a wooden gate around our house.
(Kami ingin memasang gerbang kayu di sekitar rumah kami.)
430. include / ɪnˈkluːd / v. (termasuk)
To include something means to have it as part of a group.
e.g. Does this meal include a soft drink?
(Apakah makanan ini termasuk minuman ringan?)
431. manage / ˈmæn.ədʒ / v. (mengatur, mengelola)
To manage something means to control or be in charge of it.
e.g. I had to manage the meeting myself.
(Saya harus mengatur pertemuan itu sendiri.)
432. mystery / ˈmɪs.tɚ.i / n. (misteri)
A mystery is something that is difficult to understand or explain.
e.g. The path on the map was a complete mystery to me.
(Jalan di peta adalah misteri bagiku.)
433. occur / əˈkɝː / v. (terjadi)
To occur means to happen.
e.g. When did the thunderstorm occur?
(Kapan badai itu terjadi?)
434. opposite / ˈɑː.pə.zɪt / n. (kebalikan, berlawanan)
If A is the opposite of B, A is completely different from B.
e.g. The opposite of black is white.
(Kebalikan dari hitam adalah putih.)
435. plate / pleɪt / n. (piring)
A plate is a flat round thing that you put food on.
e.g. I put my plate down so I could put some food on it.
(Aku meletakkan piring agar bisa menaruh makanan di atasnya.)
436. receive / rɪˈsiːv / v. (menerima)
To receive something is to get it.
e.g. I received a present on my birthday.
(Saya menerima hadiah pada hari ulang tahun saya..)
437. reward / rɪˈwɔːrd / n. (hadiah)
A reward is something given in exchange for good behavior or work.
e.g. He was given a reward for his excellent performance.
(Dia diberi penghargaan atas penampilannya yang luar biasa.)
438. set / set / v. (mengatur, menyetel)
To set something is to put it somewhere.
e.g. Please set the dice down on the table.
(Tolong atur dadu di atas meja.)
439. steal / stiːl / v. (mencuri)
To steal is to take something that is not yours.
e.g. The men tried to steal money from the bank.
(Orang-orang itu mencoba mencuri uang dari bank.)
440. thief / θiːf / n. (pencuri)
A thief is someone who quietly takes things that do not belong to them.
e.g. A thief broke into our home and took my mother's jewellery.
(Seorang pencuri masuk ke rumah kami dan mengambil perhiasan ibu saya.)
credit: Paul Nation